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This might sound new to you but are you familiar with World Toilet Day yet? Just like all the other days celebrated worldwide, the 19th day of November is also considered a red letter day. But where does the significance lie? This specific day celebrated as World Toilet Day targets at raising the awareness of hygiene and sanitation problems worldwide. Poor hygiene and sanitation not only lead to health problems, but this also confines our access to safe and pure drinking water and the other secure uses of water.

In this article, we are going to unveil some significant facts about this very special day that aims not only at enhancing hygiene and sanitation but also at making better use of water.

Significant Points to Note   

We all know that poor sanitation considerably increases the chances of health problems, especially among children and women. Believe or not but, as per the recent survey, 2.6 billion people are about 1/3rd of the entire population on the earth are lacking their access to safe sanitation. This is an alarming problem that is killing about 1 million children every year.

Considering all these problems, the United Nations designated World Toilet Day in July 2013. This was established by the World Toilet Organization in 2001 and World Toilet Day was made an official UN day in 2013. They aim at beating all the relevant problems and thus gradually turning the planet into a better living place for all of us.

People celebrate this day on November 19 annually. They take measures and thus show their support to their basic human rights that is access to sanitation and pure water.

Unveil the Key Facts  

  • It is shocking, but 673 million people still practise open defecation globally.
  • Worldwide, at least 2 billion people use a drinking water source polluted with feces.
  • Poor sanitation is assessed to promote 432,000 diarrhoeal deaths every year.

2019 World Toilet Day Theme

Every year, for World Toilet Day, the United Nations decides a particular theme to promote a better progression. Just as that, the current year theme is ‘Leaving no one behind’. This year, if you dig deeper into the motto of celebrating this day, you find that a toilet means much more than just a lavatory. A proper awareness about using a toilet can save millions of lives, and this can bring countless opportunities. Also, this can protect your dignity.

You can easily estimate the dimension of the sanitation problem in developing countries such as India, Bangladesh, Africa, and others. But did you know that even in America, approximately 1.7 million Americans lack access to proper sanitation?

It doesn’t matter which country you live in. The fact is that sanitation is your human right. The current year mirrors that 4.2 billion people don’t have access to safe sanitation.

Therefore, it is high time we all stepped ahead and contributed to expanding access to safe toilets leaving no one behind.

‘Leaving No One Behind’- Theme of World Toilet Day 2019

It is not true that deprived people don’t try to overcome sanitation problems. However, whenever they try to take measures, they often encounter many biases. Most times, they are left behind when they strive to gain and maintain the advanced sanitation services.

World Toilet Day inspires the actions that can find a solution for the crisis of global sanitation. This can also help achieve the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6 that promises hygiene and sanitation for all by 2030. Definitely, this measure has been paying special attention to the requirements of women and girls. Sanitation is our basic human right and World Toilet Day 2019 is aiming at assuring solutions to those people deprived of proper sanitation.

How You Can Participate In This Celebration  

In the upcoming World Toilet Day, you can play your part in assuring no one is deprived of sanitization. How? Let’s check this out:

  • Do your research. Read more and learn more.
  • Share posts on social media to generate debate.
  • Take actions by attending an event and using resources to get the mission accomplished.

So, in the USA, are you willing to take action on your part to accomplish this global mission? Spread awareness about the issues that can develop from poor sanitation and also about how a toilet can bring an end to all these problems. Of course, the general contractors can help you all the ways to get a good toilet in your house. So get ready to contribute to global sanitation.

Make Your Home A New One With A General Contractor

Trying to build or renovate your house anywhere in USA! Still planning how to do it! Pondering over the idea whether to hire a general contractor or not! Frankly speaking it solely depends on the work and then on you whether you need a general contractor or not. There are a number of works where the expertise along with a sheer professionalism is required. One thing for sure that it would not be an easy task. It needs certain duration of time as it would include a number of actions that are to be done within a stipulated period of time. Besides, you need a large amount of money to implement the whole project properly.  The best probable solution is to conduct a thorough research on the house market around you and make a list of all reputed contractors and builders in order to succumb to decisive position.

Specifically a general contractor is that person who knows all about business; he can offer a solution even when the workers don’t find any solution for a complex problem; he is not only theoretically more knowledgeable but also more experienced in practical field; he has the authority to command over all the laborers involved in the entire project; in short he takes all the responsibilities of a constructional work from beginning to the end.

Moreover, you must focus to choose the right general contractor who is well aware of the market of local building and market. Let him consult your idea in minute details, thus you will get a clear picture of the procedure, cost and other know how of the project.  Now let him assure you with proper credentials and evidence whether the general contractors are properly licensed as well as insured or not. Ask him what is his plan to complete the. How long would he take to complete the total project? You need to look out for his previously accomplished projects as his working experience. Hiring a general contractor will definitely be costlier than hiring some laborers; but the contractor on the other hand appoints the best suitable laborers in order to complete the project efficiently.

Therefore, you need to be very careful before hiring  general contractors. Even if you are thinking of remodeling your bathroom, or kitchen, or the entire house then also hiring a general contractor would be beneficial. All these works would definitely cost you much time to get all these information. That is why the people of USA have been depending upon . Here one can get a number of consultants with whom they can consult with regarding their prospective project. Case of choosing the right experienced skilled professional is not at all easy, put all the responsibility on them and be relaxed.

Building or remodeling a house is a difficult task indeed. No matter even if you take the assistance of the professionals. This job should be handled professionally. And one of the very important aspects of any remodeling or house building job is the design. This is the plan on which the real work will be done. This requires you to make sure that you know each and every aspect of the planning. The idea of paying for the design works that you don’t understand doesn’t make any sense.

In the present time, with the advancement of technology, understanding the design of your house in advance has become possible. And the method that has made it possible is 3D design. While using this design form, you will not have to rely on your own imagination that may be completely different than the actual outcomes.

This design enables you to see each and every aspect of the home before finalizing the construction work. And this has become popular because you can bring changes in your design almost instantly. Whether you want to change the location of the window or shift the bathroom, everything is possible with 3D design.

The demand of 3D design in Los Angeles is increasing rapidly. The key reason is a large number of people remodel their house every year in this city. This requires professional service providers and advanced and comprehensive technology. 3D design technology has really helped the house owners for the reconstruction of their house.

This designing process is an efficient and effective means of getting involved in the design process. When the architects actually create the design in 3D, this will be easier for you to understand as well as express your imaginations. Moreover, you can verify whether your imaginary design is at all looking good or not. You will be more informed to take decisions.

Now, the question is how will you get to know if any company offers 3D design or not? The simple and straight forward way is to ask them directly about that. You can additionally have a look at their designs and drawings. In fact, this has become the industry standard now. It offers clarity in the work. And the best part is, this doesn’t require you to spend any extra money. Below here we will be discussing about the some of the reasons why this kind of design is the right fit for you.

1. 2D Designs are difficult to understand
With the conventional 2D design, you can get only the general idea. This is troublesome to visualize the design in most of the cases. And chances are there that after the completion of the work, you may not like it at all. The more you comprehend the design from every corner, the more comfortable you will be about the success of the design work.

2. 3D designs can be changed in real time
This is another very important aspect. There is no assurance that you will like all the design work offered by the architect. In fact, it happens most of the time that the clients completely change the design shown by the designer. But if you can’t see the changes in real time, it may become problematic.

But with 3D design you don’t need to do that. You can implement your imaginations in the design in real time. This will provide you a fresh and comprehensive design which tells the entire story in advance.

3. 3D design is cost effective
It is seen in many cases that once the construction work is done, you don’t like the end result. This leads to rebuild which is costly and time-consuming. But if you can see the design in advance, such costs can be saved and moreover, this saves your precious time as well. And this helps to get the exact outcome that you wanted.

4. This helps avoiding the unnecessary expenses
Since building a house is the dream project of every person, any sort of compromise should not be allowed. If you have to rebuild the house, you will have to spend more money. But with a proper 3D design, you can avoid excessive expenses. Apart from that, the process becomes problematic once the necessity of rebuilding appears.

Now the concern is where will you find such a company? This is indeed a concern. We all know that Los Angeles is one of the places on the planet where remodeling or renovation service is very well-known. And with the present real estate market condition in the USA, this can be said that the demand of this service will increase with time. There are many remodeling service providers in Los Angeles but 3D design is available with few contractors and MDM Custom Remodeling Inc. is one of those contractors. Through this company you can get the best quality 3D design service which will help you understand the design of your house in advance.

The remodeling industry in the USA is gradually getting back to its normal position. After years of downfall, this industry is turning back and is going to make new highs. According to various reports and surveys, Americans are showing confidence in spending a lot of money in the remodeling projects. This clearly means that they are emphasizing in the long term impacts rather than looking at the immediate weakness. And this time house owners are showing interest in partial remodeling of the house. This is a much convenient solution according to many since remodeling different parts of house one at a time is very cost effective. The most preferred area of the house for remodeling is bathroom. Home owners are spending a lot of money in renovating their bathroom.

There is no doubt that this is a very good sign for the entire remodeling industry. Even the experts are talking positive about this industry. According to the reports of the U. S. Census Bureau, in the year 2013, $130 billion has been spent by the house owners for remodeling purpose and most of which was for bathroom remodeling. This figure is 3.1% higher than the figure of 2012. And this is the highest investment figure in this sector since the year 2007, the year when the downfall in the remodeling industry began. This has even caused a rise in the numbers of permits for remodeling jobs which 5.1% more than the year 2012 (source of the information: The Wall Street Journal).

House remodeling industry is a big and long term investment. Though, there are some disagreements about calling remodeling as an investment among many people. According to the figures and statistics managed by the Joint Center for Housing Studies at Harvard University, the business of remodeling had reached to its peak in the year 2006. The investment figure in remodeling in that year was a staggering $145 billion which is so far the highest ever investment. But the way house owners are showing confidence in remodeling, it will not be a mistake assuming that in this year the remodeling industry will make a new high in terms of the investment. A healthy market and rising cost of remodeling projects are indicating in that direction. And above everything all, it is clear that people are feeling confident in spending money for remodeling.

There is a hell and heaven difference in the remodeling market of 2010 and 2014,” said Tom Drake, the chief executive of a reputable remodeling company based in LA. He also added, “We are experiencing a massive increase in the remodeling projects. We have dozens of projects pending in the pipeline and majority of which are bathroom remodeling. House owners of LA are now showing great interests in remodeling their bathroom. We are even getting call from our old clients.” The scenario is more or less same for every reputable remodeling company.

Basically two types of house owners are there who are willing to start a remodeling process. The first category is for those house owners who are starting remodeling for maintaining the safety of their bathroom or their entire house. It goes without saying that remodeling is a very convenient and effective way of maintaining the condition of any house. It is also a value for your money way out. And the second category represents house owners who want to provide a new look to their bathroom or to their entire house. There is no doubt that majority of the house owners prefer remodeling when it comes to change the look of their house than looking for a new house. Moreover, it is not always possible for anybody to buy a new house.

This recent boom in the remodeling industry in the USA is definitely a good sign both for the house owners and for the contractors as well. While in one hand this will bring in more competition among the service providers which will ultimately help the house owners. And on the other hand, service providers will also be able to make their profits since the work volume is very high. If there is any negative aspect of this recent flourish in the remodeling industry then it is only the increasing number of unauthentic service providers and faked contractors etc.

Robert and Melissa, a married couple from LA were planning for a bathroom remodeling and for that reason they contacted a remodeling contractor after watching an advertisement in the newspaper. In their rush to finish the project quickly, they didn’t bother about gathering proper information about the contractor. This led them to a massive disaster. Within just four and half months after the renovation, they found that the project was completely a waste of money. And the problem is you will not be able to make contact with such contractors once your project is done.

In order to save yourself from such cases, I have short listed some questions which you must ask to your remodeling contractor before confirming the deal. Here are these questions:

  • Do you have the license to work in this state or to work as a remodeling contractor?
  • Do you carry the liabilities of the workers compensation and insurance related concern?
  • What kind of warranty do you provide on your work?
  • What will be the duration of the project?
  • What will be the process of contacting once the project is done and what kind of services to expect after the completion of the project?
  • How long have you been associated with this business?
  • Do you have any reference of your previous projects or do you have any testimonial?
  • How the price of the project will be decided, will it be a fixed price or it can be changed according to the demand of the project?
  • What would be the payment procedure?

If you are looking for a positive response of all these questions, if you are looking for a remodeling company in LA that can handle all your concerns positively then you must get in touch with Mike Mizrachi, the Project Manager of MDM Custom Remodeling Inc. It is one of the most reputable remodeling companies situated in LA and has been providing remodeling service for many years. During this long period, Mike and his team has accomplished thousands of successful remodeling projects. If you want a hassle-free and successful remodeling of any particular part of your house or the entire house, MDM is the perfect alternative for you.

LA Contractors Moving Towards Pico-Robertson with Excellent Renovation Ideas

Permanent White Citizens in Pico-Robertson will be happy to know that the best bathroom remodelers are at them with numerous facilities that they haven’t got from the other remodeling companies till these days. To enhance the appraisal of your hosts and the market value the bathroom remodeling contractors in Pico-Robertson has started to perform extremely well under the supervision of those MDM Custom Remodeling inc websites.

In fact near about 74% white citizens there are to utilize the new comers’ services there. The great LA remodelers are for bathroom and kitchen remodeling especially. In fact the great distinguishable elements there enrich the looks of bathroom when the things are placed properly in exact place. I myself got interested by these kitchen remodelers after a great experience in my friend’s house in Hollywood. After he bought a new apartment house, he invited me in his already renovated house. There was no difference to note there at all. Rather the rooms, kitchen, bathroom place was looking as if the pile of various elements to look good. But, they were failed to provide the ultimate good look of a place. As a result I had to say “Good Decor” for the sake of his happiness. Last Fri day I had an invitation once again from him. Actually it was his marriage anniversary and his gift for his wife was the really well renovated bathroom and kitchen place. This time I got mesmerized with the looks and I had nothing to pronounce but he read my expression and a smiling face was awaiting for me! The bathtub, the tap were the same in the bathroom. The curtain and the walls tiles, flooring were changed. In his earlier bathroom the tower holder was too low to adjust with the decoration. The cabinet place is adjusted with the bathroom place. Before, the cabinet doors were too large to be adjusted with the short place of that bathroom. But the drawer forms of them have made it easier to maintain the small things to manage in bathroom properly. If you want, the lower section of your cabinet can be adjusted with baskets for roughly usable stuffs. After that very day of visiting my friends place I got interested about that bathroom remodeling company that provide 24X7 service and provide free consultation with affordable ranges. Now, MDM Custom remodeling Inc is not an unknown name to the Pico-Robertson residents. This time it’s your turn to make use of them. Utilize the great opportunity to be served by the 22 yrs experienced remodelers.

Kitchen Remodeling can be your best return on investment

Maintaining a house is always a big task whether small or large. It is a process that is worth investing your money since it is the most precious place to every homeowner. There are different ways of maintaining the house. While some homeowners prefer to go with a complete renovation of the house, others prefer to go for partly makeover of each place. Kitchen and bath are two most important places of any house that is considered for makeover foremost. A gorgeous looking kitchen can very much affect the mood of the cook.

Remodeling a kitchen is a big task undoubtedly and it is a worthy investment for any homeowner. It is a desirable home improvement project and considered as one of the best investment when it comes to add elegance in the house and also for increasing the value of your house. No matter whether your kitchen is a big one or small, renovation is important for every kitchen and it should always be completed by professionals. There are so many features to take under consideration while going for the project that ensures the necessity of the professional contractors.

There are many kitchen remodel companies in Los Feliz with exclusive renovation ideas. The homeowners here prefer to hire these contractors for their project. The foremost thing to be decided before the commencement of any project is the budget. Since there is no end of good work, there is no limitation of the budget either. The outcome of the entire remodel job depends on how much money you spend. Rather going for a remodel contractor, it is always better to hire a specialized kitchen contractor. Though, it will cost you few more bucks but the outcome will be fabulous. It is a fantastic means of transforming your home into your dream home.

A Few Reasons for Increasing Popularity of LA Bathroom Remodelers

Welcome to this bathroom makeover story to help you for your one. Have you acknowledged about the great services of Los Angeles in the matters to makeover your house? The leading companies over there get immense popularity from all the users for their experienced brains and expert hands to work. From the architectures to the plumbers each and everyone are culled among the experienced personnel. If you have your washroom in extremely bad condition or in such a condition that’s never satisfiable to you may go for the remodelers 24X7 available for your city. Century city is that kind of place where the bathroom makeover design is the topic of individual story to each and every home owner.

Well, to go for a li’l survey on the provided service facilities of those LA leading remodelers we have to say about their free consultation services. Mentioning the area of your bathroom and your required elements in that place you may get the monitory estimate and the time duration within that time the tusk can be completed. Pointedly the estimation of time and money are not mere the topic to get the contract only. They take the full responsibility to complete the whole tusk within that time they have uttered initially. It gets possible because they have satisfied their numerous customers with proper service during many years. In Century city the citizens are really conscious about their bathroom makeover design for this part of the room can be designed as one wishes without any hassle to get the objects matched with the whole house. This place is completely separate but a vital part of any home. Often times the novice remodelers provide stylish and quality tiles, cabinets, taps; but they don’t get matched ultimately for they haven’t gathered sufficient concept and those tip to provide an exceptional looks of a bathroom. On the contrary the leading remodelers get adjusted with the mindset of each and every homeowner and provide the services as per the client requires logically. Last but not the least it is to say that comparing any renovated bathroom with the makeover looks done by the leading renovation company you can obviously come to the decision by yourself about what type of remodelers should be your choice. Thank you…

LA Kitchen Remodelers have Got Massively well-liked in Westwood Overnight

Initial days of human existence there were three particular ambitions in life. Being one of the essential things to lead life residence has gotten importance till these days. The other essentiality, food can’t be ignored also. In your residence you keep one distinct place to prepare the foods of your daily livelihood. The matter of more interest is that the pattern to lead a life has modified the various things more and more so that the essential things become the objects of passion. These days various kinds of dress up have modified the concept of a dress that used to be worn to cover the body only. In the same way your fooding can also be modified with the small kitchen that is to remodel and can be compared with the before and after in Westwood homeowners’ place. After the remodeling of a kitchen place the obvious consequence becomes that you become mesmerized with the huge change of that place where the LosAngeles home remodelers have applied their home remodeling ideas.


If the kitchen looks good, the family member who cooks there intends to prepare delicious foods there. If the kitchen is used rare times for cooking purpose you can go for the remodelers unhesitantly to provide a new looks there. The more important matter is that this kind of kitchen is increasing the selling value also. If you’ve any kind of confusion let me clarify your concept about the concept of remodeling. The online sellers are really those service providers who make the small place in your house as the perfect home. They provide the choiceful designs with the quality materials. Whenever you contact with them, they provide you the estimation price right before they start their services. With the fewer amounts and the great designing many of the consumers get satisfied. Being the evidence of their skilled performance by the completion of the whole work within the particular time period, it can surely be said that you will be more interested to contract with them for the whole home renovation.

Bathroom Remodeling – A Key Step to Enhance your Home Beautification

Remodeling any particular part of the house or the whole house is a common practice among the homeowners. Though, in terms of the necessity it may vary from individual. While in some cases it becomes an immediate necessity on the other hand it can be done to simply enhance the elegance of the house so that it can fetch more bucks at the time of resale. While talking about remodeling or renovation of a house, the place(s) that come first in the mind is bathroom. It is said that this is the place that expresses how clean and tasteful the homeowner is. Even if I keep aside the beautification part, the question of hygiene cannot be overlooked at all. Hence, to put it simply, renovation of this place is important by all means.

Best Bathroom Remodeling Contractor USA | MDM Remodeling

Now the question is where to start the process? Well, the answer to this question is you don’t need to start it by yourself. I know that it may not be acceptable by many of you but it is the fact. How much small the project of renovation is it should always be handed over to the professionals. Since it is becoming a common practice among the house owners, many professional companies are also coming this way to provide solutions. There are many companies in USA that claim to provide the solution for this job. But if you are planning to go for such a project, always go with the best bathroom remodeling contractor in USA. Though, it may be a bit hard for your budget but in the long run it will be beneficial for you.

Budget plays a very crucial role for your renovation project. The ultimate outcome of the whole remodeling process will largely vary on your budget. Decide this part with your contractor first. And as for the authenticity of the contractor is concerned, you should do a bit of research work that may include seeing the specimens of their previous projects, talking to the testimonials in person etc.